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Workday Upgrading over the Weekend

While organizations configure their systems to fit their unique needs, they all run the same version of Workday. Having a single code base allows Workday to focus on refining and innovating one product, and it…

Phase 3 Testing Winds Down

With Finance nearing the finish line and HCM not far behind, the Project can feel pretty sure that Phase 3 unit testing has accomplished its goal—to see if NSHE’s Workday configuration is on the road…

Institution Data Prepped for Use in Workday Prototype 2

This week, the Project Team took a ‘snapshot,’ or copy, of the current real-life data from all eight NSHE member institutions that will be used in the upcoming second Workday prototype (P2). Next, they’ll extract…

Welcome Tom Davis, III, iNtegrate 2’s Newest Trainer

Tom has been hired as iNtegrate 2’s second permanent Trainer. Previously, Tom was a Trainer with the state of Nevada in the Child and Family Services Division. He brings a tremendous amount of training experience,…